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Post- Magazine

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Post- Magazine

ice spice gives baddie, body, and structuralism [A&C]

Gum-covered bus rides. Fingers stained Bomb Pop red. Billabong swim trunks clinging to two still-growing legs. This is what 鈥淐larity鈥濃擹edd鈥檚 iconic 2012 pop banger鈥攎eans to me. When Ice Spice samples it on her song 鈥淣o Clarity,鈥 one of her first songs to gain traction, pop becomes a signifier: ...

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Post- Magazine

knock on wood [feature]

Tears well up in my eyes the instant the plate hits the ground. It shatters on the kitchen floor beneath me, its pearly ceramic fragments blending in almost seamlessly with the tile. I鈥檓 six years old, and my dinner plate has slipped out of my small hands en route to the dishwasher. My dad picks me ...

Post- Magazine

color me [x] [lifestyle]

I think everyone has their own form of synesthesia. I have a friend who sees a number whenever they think of or interact with a person鈥攐dd numbers mean different things from even, and a person who is a four is entirely different from a person who is a forty.

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Post- Magazine

a doggy gift guide [lifestyle]

The holiday season approaches! And with it, (at least for me) comes the stress of gift giving. Giving gifts to humans is hard, so why not put it off by thinking about what to gift your dog? Don鈥檛 have a dog? No worries! Feel free to use these gift ideas for a little brother or a friend with a sense ...

Post- Magazine

becoming other people [A&C]

Coming into college, I expected my education to be intellectually demanding, but I was not prepared for it to be, to an equal extent, emotionally stimulating. In my first semester, I took a comparative literature class with Professor Arnold Weinstein. Learning about Freudian complexes and literary traditions, ...

Post- Magazine

lydia t谩r isn鈥檛 real [A&C]

We were 鈥渄uped鈥濃攊t was 鈥渢rickery鈥濃攚e had fallen right into 鈥渁 trap.鈥 Who, you might ask, was the agent of this malevolent manipulation? A dating app catfisher? The con artist at the top of a pyramid scheme? No. According to a number of critics (and audience members who took to Twitter) ...

Post- Magazine

the ghosts i call darling [narrative]

I go down to the small cemetery by the edge of the river. Everything shines鈥攖here is no darkness here. The headstones persist in spite of what they know. They keep themselves up, pushing against that knowing which pulls them down, down. One stone is laid with a coquettish flower-crown, the next with ...

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Post- Magazine

as the leaves do [narrative]

A friend once told me that he thinks Californians grow up thinking life is easy because they don鈥檛 have to deal with bad weather. He鈥檚 not entirely wrong: At home, the seasons melt into each other almost unnoticed鈥攖he sun shifts its shade, the wind picks up a chill, suddenly it鈥檚 dark at 4 p.m. ...

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Post- Magazine

it's lamp season [lifestyle]

The end of daylight savings is here. Nights come earlier and days will soon be overcast. That is to say, light will be a scarce resource. We鈥檙e all poorly adapted to see in the dark and prone to vitamin D deficiencies. So it鈥檚 the time to get creative and embrace sun alternatives鈥攊t鈥檚 lamp season. ...

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