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Letter: Remembering John Owen Habib 鈥24

John Owen Habib, 21, died on April 11, 2023 following a fall while hiking in Morocco. He was pursuing one of his greatest passions 鈥 traveling and exploring the world. For John Owen, the world was a place of extraordinary wonder: The more he could meet, talk and learn from people, the richer his life ...

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Wellisch 鈥26: Time flies, but that鈥檚 not a bad thing

As I come to the final weeks of my first year at Brown, I am struck by how fast the semesters flew by. It feels like yesterday my parents were frantically moving me into my dorm and I was nervously trying to meet people during orientation. After going through the arduous application process, this first ...


Sandoval 鈥23, Spencer-Blume 鈥23, Sarmas 鈥24: Rhode Island needs to increase its financial aid for students from R.I.

Rhode Island must restore funding to the Rhode Island Promise 1.0 scholarship program for students at nonprofit institutions to its pre-pandemic level of $2 million. In March, Brown University鈥檚 Student Government Association 鈥 composed of the Class Coordinating Board, the Undergraduate Council ...


Letter: Athletics are another important legacy of Pembroke

The April 9 article, 鈥溾楨nd of an era鈥: Exploring the legacy of Pembroke College鈥澛 omitted one important Pembroke cohort 鈥斅爏tudent-athletes. As a result of the merger of Pembroke College and Brown University, intercollegiate athletics moved from oversight of the Pembroke physical education ...

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